Logic & Accuracy Testing
Logic and accuracy (L&A) testing is an essential step in testing voting equipment prior to election use or deployment to the polling location. This bipartisan testing process serves as a functional analysis to ensure the voting equipment works correctly.
Bipartisan teams should test every unit to be used in the upcoming election. This includes all Precinct/Polling Location Based Optical Scanners, High Speed Optical Scanners, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Voting Units to be deployed on Election Day. The testing teams should follow checklists that list all steps necessary to test the units.
This L&A guide is divided into three main sections, each of which thoroughly explains the procedures necessary to conduct L&A testing on one of the three voting units mentioned above. The section for each type of unit is also divided into two basic parts: Set Up Procedures and Testing Procedures. Throughout the guide, links will be provided that will allow users to download the specific testing checklists and other resources used by the Cuyahoga County Board of Elections.
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